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[Geschlossen] General Informations for Vendors

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
1 Reactions
937 Ansichten
Famous Member Admin
Beigetreten: Vor 2 Jahren
Beiträge: 7667

This is a private Board owned by Akkudoktor (drbacke in this Board) and is moderated by a team in their spare time.

For interested Vendors we allow the usage of this board for advertising purposes under the following rules:


The Vendor gets a forum inside this category for advertising and user services like information, update information, warranty and general help issues.

All that shall work under a fair-use principle of both sides ( the vendor and the users of the products of him).

Fair use is understood as the following rules, and appropriate behaviour:


For the Vendor

Advertising is allowed only inside the forum/category provided, no advertising is allowed via PN messages to anyone or in the whole board. Help and support for your products is allowed and welcome in the appropriate discussions, where board user talk about using your products. Please respect the fine line between support and no advertising there.

We like to have a balance between advertising your products and supporting the users in questions and problems, possible upgrades or (firmware) updates you may have to offer. Exclusive plain advertising is not welcome.

The vendor ist advised to name prices in their ads, but they musst not be final or binding. 


The idea behind this regulation we have in mind is not, that you gain any big sales on the advertising. But, you have fair and detailed  access to the opinion, problems and technical expertise about usage and quality your product here from our users. And since we are a technical Board,  our  users here go deep Info functionality and usability of your product.


For the users of this board

Trustful use of the possibilities to achieve additional support from you. Fair use , no plain bashing.


In general, the administration of the board will have a look onto the ongoing discussions. If the procedures described here do not work well, we may change or withdraw this agreements without further notice. 


In general, the board and its owners are not liable for contracts, payments, agreements or any other interaction between you and the members of this board. We would like to have no legal issues between you and our members discussed in public, please use PN or email or any form of direct contact for such.


The owners of the board charge no regular fee from vendors here, but occasional donations to support the board are welcome.


Ich bin kein Amateur, aber ich lerne trotzdem noch.
Bürokratie schafft man nicht durch neue Regeln oder Gesetze ab.

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